Monday, February 08, 2010


Rain pours into my bedroom closet and our yard is a mud pit so we try to create our own light and our own blue skies. Just looking at these makes me miss my sisters. The girls are the same size now and lots of people ask if they are twins. They are so very different from each other but such very good friends.

blue skies

This has been the grayest,wettest January I can remember. So when the the sun finally breaks through, and there's blue skies above we make sure we soak it up. Last Monday Josh had a snow day so we took a drive up to enjoy the icy Narnia mountain. It was a sight to behold, thick crystal ice encasing every branch. We walked around Covenant College, our Alma Mater. I always feel nostalgic up there. It reminds me of being inspired by wise professors, worship, community and meeting this really cute crazy boy with a fro of curls. I lived on the fifth floor of what used to be an old hotel called The Castle in the Clouds. Everything seems so familiar, that it almost felt like I should be getting to chapel instead of making sure my kids didn't walk under any falling ice.