It is our hope that we would always be thankful but this month we are talking a little more about it as Thanksgiving nears. This was Juden's list. I dig my little boys list and am so happy that he can spill over with things he's thankful for. He went on to name every single person in our family,every color of the season and finished with "snow as soft as cat's fur." This seemed odd since we rarely if ever see snow around here. Then I remembered that Josh is reading him The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe and he is quite intrigued with the snow in Narnia. So this month I want to try to post frequently about things I'm thankful for. After all there are so very many.

i love this linda....he is so precious! and now i think i'm going to have my kids write their lists this afternoon! i haven't commented much, but i'm always in awe of your lovely family...Lily loves to look at your blog too! She loves to write letters...well she's just learning...but she is looking for friends around the world to write to, so if you're interested, she'd love to be a "penpal" to your kids...just let me know!
Thanks Susanna,
Juden loves that idea and it would be a great way to motivate him to practice more handwriting. Ella turned four over the summer and hasn't shown too much interest in joining us for school much but I can see what she thinks. You can send me your address at lindarileygreen@gmail.com
Did you know that our sisters are cavorting around New York City this weekend? Lucky girls.
yes i forgot about that! wish i could see me sister!! I'll write you today with our address...I told the girls about it and Hannah wants to send a picture to Ella...so sweet! I love how they can get so excited about doing things for people they don't even know...i love to encourage that!
I love that Juden loves the Narnia books - and I love this picture filled with rapture :-)!
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