"Whatever may be the tensions and stresses of a particular day, there is always lurking close at hand the trailing beauty of forgotten joy or unremembered peace." ~ Howard Thurman

December is off to a mild start, all breezy and Spring-like. I still feel like a kid getting lights and ornaments out. This weekend included a children's concert where I watched my wild boy and thought how much he is like his daddy, watched my man play a show with friends in an old auto body shop while the sky turned pink behind us, and a Main Street parade. I am feeling the love for this town and community. Lots of hard play was followed by a lazy Sunday. With baby and husband napping peacefully, I snuck outside with some chai only to be followed soon by these crazies:) They are a force to be reckoned with, love them so.

It IS a balmy December. A very different sort, but still full of spirit.
So much fun to see these wonderful December moments. Love you all!
The elf shoes! Precious! And which Nikki McClure calendar is that? I've only seen the ones where it's one big photo for the month with a single word.
It's this one and the other months do have a single word that always goes so well with the image. She does paper cut illustrations although I've never seen her photography. I've been using her calendars for a few years and just ordered one for 2013. It's a little thing that makes me happy:)
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